Geelong Sports Hub incorporating Vic Beach Geelong
1 Crown Street,
South Geelong,
VIC 3220
Pairs Forfeit Rules
1. One player from the regular team must play in pair
2. Your fill-in player/players play to a higher standard than you do.
Standards are considered to be AAA, AA, A and B in pairs.
We have multiple grades within each standard.
Therefore, for a game to be legitimate you cannot play a player from a higher standard as a fill-in for your grade.
For example:
Tuesday night AA1, AA2 and AA3 are AA standard where there are multiple grades.
Anyone who plays AA as their highest standard CAN fill in for any AA grade and the result count.
Someone who plays AAA as their highest standard CANNOT fill-in an AA standard game without the result being forfeit.
There is one loophole that we allow as, in pairs, so many of you play with different level players
(for example a beginner or B standard player playing with a AA standard player in A grade).
That loophole is that in these cases we will allow the fill in to be of the same standard as the player they are filling in for.
3. The centre needs to replace an umpire to play with you as no one else is available.
If you choose not to play a scheduled game, the following forfeit fees will apply
Less than 24hrs - $64
More than 24hrs - $32
You can still play the game if the above criteria is not met,
thus getting a game for your money but the result will be a loss on forfeit.
Feel free to use the ‘Fill In Players - Vic Beach Geelong’ Facebook group to help find fill-ins but please note the above rules will apply.
Pairs Scoring System
Pairs are decided on sets.
A team wins a set when they reach 21 and lead by two points.
The only time this isn’t the case is when it is one set-all.
The THIRD SET is decided by the team who reaches 15 points first and leads by two points.
Once the third set result is decided we will continue playing until the time expires but the outcome is already set.
In case you run out of time.
The minimum score you must reach for the set to count.
A team must reach 15 in the second set (and lead by two) to count.
A team must reach 8 in the third set (and lead by two) to count.
In case the set score is tied (one set all) the winner will be the team will the highest aggregate score.
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